A Brighter Future with DOvEEgene

Don’t let the playful acronym fool you.

The team of doctors and researchers at Montreal’s McGill University Health Center, is serious about finding a cure for ovarian and endometrial cancers, through a ground-breaking initiative called DOvEEgene:

Detecting Ovarian and Endometrial Cancer Early Using Genomics.

The cure rates for these diseases have not improved in 30 years. Astonishing, given the advancements in other areas such as consumer technology and space exploration. It’s time for a change.

Enter Dr. Lucy Gilbert.

The Director of Gynecologic Oncology at MUHC, is leading an initiative that could revolutionize early cancer detection, by using a highly sensitive genomic PAP test. Dedicated Dr. Gilbert graciously shares the project’s objective:

“To ensure that no woman is lost to these advanced cancers. It really must stop.”

And just imagine a patient’s elation at evading the grueling cocktail of chemotherapy and radiation.

Through the DOvEEgene test, cancer cells can be detected in stage 1, when the disease is curable. Unfortunately, “75% of women with ovarian cancer are diagnosed in the late stages” At that point, comfort, and prolonging life for a finite amount of time, are the only options.

The exact completion date of the ambitious study has not been specified; however, trials began in May 2021 and are expected to continue into 2023. With the involvement of between 3500 and 4000 eligible participants, the DOvEEgene study, originating and currently offered only in Montreal, has the potential to save countless lives, the world over.

To learn more about eligibility or donating to the unprecedented screening study, please visit https://doveegene.com/.

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